CSA stands for “Community Supported Agriculture,” and is just one way customers who want healthy, local and fresh food can get it. But it’s not the only way.
These are great questions. And everyone who considers joining us should be asking them. To help you decide if a CSA share at Indian Line Farm is right for you and before you sign up for this seasonal commitment, ask yourself these 5 questions.
1) Do you love to cook and experiment in the kitchen?
Inherent in being a member of Indian Line Farm is a willingness to cook and prepare raw food. You will have the opportunity to pick out the majority of your produce as we don’t pre-box shares. We want to give our members as much choice as possible when they get their food. After our job is done harvesting and washing, your job is to prepare and eat it. If that sounds exciting, then Indian Line Farm is the place for you.
2) Do you value fresh, I mean really fresh, unique and high quality food?
At Indian Line Farm we are meticulous about providing clean and washed produce of excellent quality as well as an abundant variety. If fresh produce in many shapes and colors excites you, then Indian Line Farm is the place for you.
3) Do you desire a direct relationship with the producers of the food you eat on a daily basis?
We, Elizabeth Keen, Al Thorp and our dedicated crew operate a small family farm. We grow only for our local community. We have a personal stake in the future of this farm and the future of farming in the Berkshires. You will get to know us through our weekly farm updates which are quite personal and through coming to the farm on a weekly basis and building relationships with those who grow your food. If that kind of connection is what you want, then Indian Line Farm would be a good fit for you.
4) Do you need to get the lowest price possible for your food?
The produce at Indian Line Farm tells a story of fair wages, safe working conditions, sustainable practices for the soil and the surrounding eco-system; as well as the unfolding story of the members who come to enjoy a few moments of peace here each week. Our goal is to produce sustainable food that nourishes all who eat it. That said, our share price is more than comparable to the price of locally sourced, organic food you can purchase in The Co-op, Guidos, and the Big Y. If being a part of the local food movement drives your food purchases, then Indian Line Farm will not disappoint.
5) Do you like to try new foods?
We grow over 100 different varieties of vegetables. We grow as the seasons allow meaning in the late spring/early summer there will be lots of greens, bok choy, lettuce, radishes, chard, spinach, kale, and broccoli raab. In the summer you will see tomatoes, beets, carrots, squash, scallions, eggplant and onions. In the fall you will enjoy winter squash, potatoes, root vegetables, more greens, broccoli, cabbage and kale. Sprinkled throughout you will see things like kohlrabi, Japanese sweet turnips, escarole, friseé, dandelion greens, and watermelon radishes. The rainbow of food colors you will see in our barn on a weekly basis will open your eyes to the possibilities of how abundant local produce can be. If you have a willingness to try some new things as well as enjoy your long-time favorites then we think Indian Line Farm is the place for you.
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